BODILY INJURY pays for injuries to other people resulting from an accident for which you are at-fault.
PROPERTY DAMAGE pays for damages to other vehicles resulting from an accident for which you are at-fault.
COLLISION will repair damage to the policyholder's vehicle that is due to the fault of the insured driver. This coverage is subject to a deductible.
COMPREHENSIVE covers damage to the policyholder's vehicle from theft, fire, vandalism, animal and flying or falling objects. This coverage is subject to a deductible.
A DEDUCTIBLE is an amount which the policyholder must pay for the claim to be settled. Typically, this amount is $500.
UNINSURED/UNDERINSURED (UM/UIM) pays for your injuries when caused by a hit-and-run driver or a motorist without liability insurance. It will also pay if the policyholder's medical bills are higher than the other driver's liability coverage.
MEDPAY affords a payment if you, a family member, or a passenger in your car is injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident regardless of fault.
It's important to carefully review the elected coverage on your auto policy. If you require additional assistance, please contact one of our independent agents. Find an agent HERE.